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Information for build container-tools-devel-2.0-8030020210507031355.2a301c24

Package Namecontainer-tools-devel
Built byallen
State complete
StartedTue, 08 Jun 2021 14:58:22 CST
CompletedTue, 08 Jun 2021 16:31:41 CST
Content generatormodule-build-service
Extra{'typeinfo': {'module': {'content_koji_tag': 'module-container-tools-2.0-8030020210507031355-2a301c24', 'context': '2a301c24', 'module_build_service_id': 91, 'modulemd_str': '---\n' 'document: modulemd\n' 'version: 2\n' 'data:\n' ' name: container-tools-devel\n' ' stream: 2.0\n' ' version: 8030020210507031355\n' ' context: 2a301c24\n' ' summary: Stable versions of podman ' '1.6, buildah 1.11, skopeo 0.1, runc, ' 'conmon,\n' ' etc as well as dependencies such ' 'as container-selinux built and ' 'tested together,\n' ' and supported as documented on ' 'the Application Stream lifecycle ' 'page.\n' ' description: >-\n' ' Stable versions of podman 1.6, ' 'buildah 1.11, skopeo 0.1, runc, ' 'conmon, CRIU, Udica,\n' ' etc as well as dependencies such ' 'as container-selinux built and ' 'tested together.\n' ' Released with RHEL 8.2 and ' 'supported for 24 months. During the ' 'support lifecycle,\n' ' back ports of important, ' 'critical vulnerabilities (CVEs, ' 'RHSAs) and bug fixes\n' ' (RHBAs) are provided to this ' 'stream, and versions do not move ' 'forward. For more\n' ' information see: ' '\n' ' license:\n' ' module:\n' ' - MIT\n' ' xmd:\n' ' mbs:\n' ' buildrequires:\n' ' go-toolset:\n' ' context: 30b713e6\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-go-toolset-rhel8-8030020210520120955-30b713e6\n' ' ref: ' '7a512a4190ac53ab3068c70cb93c0c7d153bf350\n' ' stream: rhel8\n' ' version: ' '8030020210520120955\n' ' golang-ecosystem:\n' ' context: 30b713e6\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-golang-ecosystem-1.0-8030020210430041543-30b713e6\n' ' ref: ' '4dda4a9892d3c4f331b5795036af68e0b8c7d93e\n' ' stream: 1.0\n' ' version: ' '8030020210430041543\n' ' platform:\n' ' context: 00000000\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-circle-8.3.0-build\n' ' ref: virtual\n' ' stream: el8.3.0\n' ' ' 'stream_collision_modules: \n' ' ursine_rpms: \n' ' version: 2\n' ' commit: ' 'd8ee6998cff7830b51851e8dc7a1d15d1b50b9f5\n' ' mse: TRUE\n' ' rpms:\n' ' buildah:\n' ' ref: ' '084c6eaf7f4099d532ee7c501ffa0cdc1d9863e2\n' ' cockpit-podman:\n' ' ref: ' '7015cb5f0b2b0148f287b6358026131ccc432035\n' ' conmon:\n' ' ref: ' '5b58be4949acf7c945eb78fdb17a2d2993132167\n' ' container-selinux:\n' ' ref: ' 'da99f9097b44c8a48735a8acecf7651857ae1e1f\n' ' ' 'containernetworking-plugins:\n' ' ref: ' '2cb0b517f6fcc9a4c9bccd1dc934a9009dce5b27\n' ' criu:\n' ' ref: ' '95f4486442ca6aa62b9f535f7ec6d367f7d1bebe\n' ' fuse-overlayfs:\n' ' ref: ' '0e985e0ffb31f0f96799ababd1a0bdec33f476b7\n' ' podman:\n' ' ref: ' 'b0fd31d425fe008001376d8ddddf604d7d937563\n' ' python-podman-api:\n' ' ref: ' '21f7db8adec4ba735779f68568f2991b3271b10d\n' ' runc:\n' ' ref: ' '7a4b9e0f3afea1ec31a4fd27a26f8dbe16c3bd47\n' ' skopeo:\n' ' ref: ' '986c37f2ee03cfad4709efccf205593aabe006b5\n' ' slirp4netns:\n' ' ref: ' '5b3f9111eeac37e95222b3befeebe324abedcf5e\n' ' toolbox:\n' ' ref: ' 'aed2724696f1687f0ba05946da1392c890088935\n' ' udica:\n' ' ref: ' '6f636edbbe565e2f2cfe754ba1d7380493b529a4\n' ' scmurl: ' '\n' ' ursine_rpms:\n' ' - ' 'delve-debugsource-0:1.4.1-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.11.5-2.module_el8.0.0+105+d020cd05.i686\n' ' - ' 'golang-misc-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-tests-0:1.11.5-2.module_el8.0.0+105+d020cd05.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-misc-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-tests-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-race-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.src\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-misc-0:1.11.5-2.module_el8.0.0+105+d020cd05.noarch\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.src\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-docs-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-docs-0:1.11.5-2.module_el8.0.0+105+d020cd05.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-tests-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'delve-0:1.4.1-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-src-0:1.11.5-2.module_el8.0.0+105+d020cd05.noarch\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.11.5-2.module_el8.0.0+105+d020cd05.i686\n' ' - ' 'delve-0:1.4.1-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.src\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-src-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-src-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.noarch\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'delve-debuginfo-0:1.4.1-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'delve-0:1.4.1-1.module_el8.3.0+471+76db7791.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-docs-0:1.14.12-1.module+el8.3.0+42+65a1ba61.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-race-0:1.14.12-1.module_el8.3.0+605+410c5674.x86_64\n' ' dependencies:\n' ' - buildrequires:\n' ' go-toolset: [rhel8]\n' ' golang-ecosystem: [1.0]\n' ' platform: [el8.3.0]\n' ' requires:\n' ' platform: [el8]\n' ' references:\n' ' community: ' '\n' ' documentation: ' '\n' ' tracker: ' '\n' ' profiles:\n' ' common:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - buildah\n' ' - cockpit-podman\n' ' - conmon\n' ' - container-selinux\n' ' - containernetworking-plugins\n' ' - criu\n' ' - fuse-overlayfs\n' ' - podman\n' ' - python-podman-api\n' ' - runc\n' ' - skopeo\n' ' - slirp4netns\n' ' - toolbox\n' ' - udica\n' ' api:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - buildah\n' ' - conmon\n' ' - container-selinux\n' ' - containernetworking-plugins\n' ' - containers-common\n' ' - fuse-overlayfs\n' ' - podman\n' ' - podman-docker\n' ' - podman-manpages\n' ' - podman-remote\n' ' - python-podman-api\n' ' - runc\n' ' - skopeo\n' ' - slirp4netns\n' ' buildopts:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' macros: >\n' ' %_with_ignore_tests 1\n' ' components:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' buildah:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '084c6eaf7f4099d532ee7c501ffa0cdc1d9863e2\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' cockpit-podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '7015cb5f0b2b0148f287b6358026131ccc432035\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' conmon:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '5b58be4949acf7c945eb78fdb17a2d2993132167\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' container-selinux:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'da99f9097b44c8a48735a8acecf7651857ae1e1f\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' containernetworking-plugins:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '2cb0b517f6fcc9a4c9bccd1dc934a9009dce5b27\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' criu:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '95f4486442ca6aa62b9f535f7ec6d367f7d1bebe\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' fuse-overlayfs:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '0e985e0ffb31f0f96799ababd1a0bdec33f476b7\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'b0fd31d425fe008001376d8ddddf604d7d937563\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' python-podman-api:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '21f7db8adec4ba735779f68568f2991b3271b10d\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' runc:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '7a4b9e0f3afea1ec31a4fd27a26f8dbe16c3bd47\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' skopeo:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '986c37f2ee03cfad4709efccf205593aabe006b5\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' slirp4netns:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '5b3f9111eeac37e95222b3befeebe324abedcf5e\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' toolbox:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'aed2724696f1687f0ba05946da1392c890088935\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' ' udica:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '6f636edbbe565e2f2cfe754ba1d7380493b529a4\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'x86_64]\n' '...\n', 'name': 'container-tools-devel', 'stream': '2.0', 'version': '8030020210507031355'}}}
Module Archives
modulemd.aarch64.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.i686.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.src.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.x86_64.txt (info) (download)