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Information for build container-tools-rhel8-8060020221026091058.2e213529

Package Namecontainer-tools
Built byjames
State complete
StartedWed, 26 Oct 2022 19:05:29 CST
CompletedWed, 26 Oct 2022 19:36:25 CST
Content generatormodule-build-service
Extra{'typeinfo': {'module': {'content_koji_tag': 'module-container-tools-rhel8-8060020221026091058-2e213529', 'context': '2e213529', 'module_build_service_id': 563, 'modulemd_str': '---\n' 'document: modulemd\n' 'version: 2\n' 'data:\n' ' name: container-tools\n' ' stream: rhel8\n' ' version: 8060020221026091058\n' ' context: 2e213529\n' ' summary: Most recent (rolling) ' 'versions of podman, buildah, skopeo, ' 'runc, conmon,\n' ' runc, conmon, CRIU, Udica, etc ' 'as well as dependencies such as ' 'container-selinux\n' ' built and tested together, and ' 'updated as frequently as every 12 ' 'weeks.\n' ' description: >-\n' ' Latest versions of podman, ' 'buildah, skopeo, runc, conmon, CRIU, ' 'Udica, etc as\n' ' well as dependencies such as ' 'container-selinux built and tested ' 'together, and\n' ' updated as frequently as every ' '12 weeks. Only very limited back ' 'ports are provided\n' ' to this stream, and most patches ' 'come from providing new versions.\n' ' license:\n' ' module:\n' ' - MIT\n' ' xmd:\n' ' mbs:\n' ' buildrequires:\n' ' go-toolset:\n' ' context: 76a129d7\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-go-toolset-rhel8-8060020220915012216-76a129d7\n' ' ref: ' '03f540929393680fdf23280ee05a0251c64494f6\n' ' stream: rhel8\n' ' version: ' '8060020220915012216\n' ' golang-ecosystem:\n' ' context: b4937e53\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-golang-ecosystem-1.0-8050020220429073806-b4937e53\n' ' ref: ' '4bc654e4a7b7d3872d4c8ac0399078499f1f1bdb\n' ' stream: 1.0\n' ' version: ' '8050020220429073806\n' ' platform:\n' ' context: 00000000\n' ' filtered_rpms: []\n' ' koji_tag: ' 'module-circle-8.6.0-build\n' ' ref: virtual\n' ' stream: el8.6.0\n' ' ' 'stream_collision_modules: \n' ' ursine_rpms: \n' ' version: 2\n' ' commit: ' 'f7b5ba52f9e5957d1f006d2e3dd008db19355618\n' ' mse: TRUE\n' ' rpms:\n' ' buildah:\n' ' ref: ' '5b7340db3d1c4fa11fbc277f7cccc99a8fc26733\n' ' cockpit-podman:\n' ' ref: ' 'ae612851baefabdf083a5172113c3d15134e8e85\n' ' conmon:\n' ' ref: ' '6e4b6673a3eba8d387bc3972a9cf816713b6c4d5\n' ' container-selinux:\n' ' ref: ' 'c0b27f2250b9c3e3722fdc977d92d5f0789b5775\n' ' ' 'containernetworking-plugins:\n' ' ref: ' 'f850171283cc987cff734c3c2dea349ba9a3a06e\n' ' containers-common:\n' ' ref: ' '523867ef3d5f54a7d5dea4c568a3e44077ce9167\n' ' criu:\n' ' ref: ' '411a05f45232c9010c6a50cc257b5072d08658e4\n' ' crun:\n' ' ref: ' 'c6d7dc2c967b2e79c2469b4cd40c165a1f10ed5e\n' ' fuse-overlayfs:\n' ' ref: ' 'a325a4566defae911c2fd1dd3e9a7ae77c6de2b4\n' ' libslirp:\n' ' ref: ' '27abe9a4500a62af9c75380c45ef8966e3e0136d\n' ' oci-seccomp-bpf-hook:\n' ' ref: ' '5ca0ba17c449d21c7ce0441a39afa1463dbb0e94\n' ' podman:\n' ' ref: ' 'ca0151e8281729a80b236f455a5c4db84c55e09b\n' ' python-podman:\n' ' ref: ' '43e7146a239818c2c3c7a92353695665eaac308d\n' ' runc:\n' ' ref: ' 'd98e0d9525c2038d361897238c2be2be106cefa8\n' ' skopeo:\n' ' ref: ' '23cf484ae8b212b55ab9afea9a2b01a06deda9b9\n' ' slirp4netns:\n' ' ref: ' '55991f35a137113f4ee862d8cb9d093d08bdc68c\n' ' toolbox:\n' ' ref: ' 'b328c7b71efa87b8443838e32f5c2f09347897fe\n' ' udica:\n' ' ref: ' '19e3c25839db6b0601a965c0b18a54de23b0513c\n' ' scmurl: ' '\n' ' ursine_rpms:\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.ppc64le\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.ppc64le\n' ' - ' 'delve-0:1.6.0-1.module+el8.5.0+359+c4646979.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-src-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.aarch64\n' ' - ' 'go-toolset-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-tests-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-misc-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-race-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-docs-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.noarch\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.ppc64le\n' ' - ' 'golang-bin-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.x86_64\n' ' - ' 'golang-0:1.17.12-1.module+el8.6.0+540+7207c5fc.aarch64\n' ' dependencies:\n' ' - buildrequires:\n' ' go-toolset: [rhel8]\n' ' golang-ecosystem: [1.0]\n' ' platform: [el8.6.0]\n' ' requires:\n' ' platform: [el8]\n' ' references:\n' ' community: ' '\n' ' documentation: ' '\n' ' tracker: ' '\n' ' profiles:\n' ' common:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - buildah\n' ' - cockpit-podman\n' ' - conmon\n' ' - container-selinux\n' ' - containernetworking-plugins\n' ' - containers-common\n' ' - criu\n' ' - crun\n' ' - fuse-overlayfs\n' ' - libslirp\n' ' - podman\n' ' - python3-podman\n' ' - runc\n' ' - skopeo\n' ' - slirp4netns\n' ' - toolbox\n' ' - udica\n' ' api:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' - buildah\n' ' - conmon\n' ' - container-selinux\n' ' - containernetworking-plugins\n' ' - containers-common\n' ' - fuse-overlayfs\n' ' - libslirp\n' ' - podman\n' ' - podman-docker\n' ' - podman-manpages\n' ' - podman-remote\n' ' - python3-podman\n' ' - runc\n' ' - skopeo\n' ' - slirp4netns\n' ' buildopts:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' macros: >\n' ' %_with_ignore_tests 1\n' ' components:\n' ' rpms:\n' ' buildah:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '5b7340db3d1c4fa11fbc277f7cccc99a8fc26733\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' cockpit-podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'ae612851baefabdf083a5172113c3d15134e8e85\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' conmon:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '6e4b6673a3eba8d387bc3972a9cf816713b6c4d5\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' container-selinux:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'c0b27f2250b9c3e3722fdc977d92d5f0789b5775\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' containernetworking-plugins:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'f850171283cc987cff734c3c2dea349ba9a3a06e\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' containers-common:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '523867ef3d5f54a7d5dea4c568a3e44077ce9167\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' criu:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '411a05f45232c9010c6a50cc257b5072d08658e4\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' crun:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'c6d7dc2c967b2e79c2469b4cd40c165a1f10ed5e\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' fuse-overlayfs:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'a325a4566defae911c2fd1dd3e9a7ae77c6de2b4\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' libslirp:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '27abe9a4500a62af9c75380c45ef8966e3e0136d\n' ' buildorder: -1\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' oci-seccomp-bpf-hook:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '5ca0ba17c449d21c7ce0441a39afa1463dbb0e94\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'ca0151e8281729a80b236f455a5c4db84c55e09b\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' python-podman:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '43e7146a239818c2c3c7a92353695665eaac308d\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' runc:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'd98e0d9525c2038d361897238c2be2be106cefa8\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' skopeo:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '23cf484ae8b212b55ab9afea9a2b01a06deda9b9\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' slirp4netns:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '55991f35a137113f4ee862d8cb9d093d08bdc68c\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' toolbox:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' 'b328c7b71efa87b8443838e32f5c2f09347897fe\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' ' udica:\n' ' rationale: Primary component ' 'of this module\n' ' repository: ' 'git+\n' ' cache: ' '\n' ' ref: ' '19e3c25839db6b0601a965c0b18a54de23b0513c\n' ' arches: [aarch64, i686, ' 'ppc64le, x86_64]\n' '...\n', 'name': 'container-tools', 'stream': 'rhel8', 'version': '8060020221026091058'}}}
Module Archives
modulemd.aarch64.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.i686.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.ppc64le.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.src.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.txt (info) (download)
modulemd.x86_64.txt (info) (download)