document: modulemd version: 2 data: stream: DL1 summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system module description: RHEL IdM is an integrated solution to provide centrally managed Identity (users, hosts, services), Authentication (SSO, 2FA), and Authorization (host access control, SELinux user roles, services). The solution provides features for further integration with Linux based clients (SUDO, automount) and integration with Active Directory based infrastructures (Trusts). license: module: - MIT dependencies: - buildrequires: 389-ds: - "1.4" httpd: - "2.4" pki-core: - "10.6" platform: - el8 requires: 389-ds: - "1.4" httpd: - "2.4" pki-core: - "10.6" platform: - el8 references: community: documentation: tracker: profiles: adtrust: description: RHEL IdM Server Integration with Active Directory rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server-trust-ad client: description: RHEL IdM Client rpms: - ipa-client common: description: A default profile for RHEL IdM client rpms: - ipa-client dns: description: RHEL IdM with integrated DNS server and integrated CA rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server - ipa-server-dns server: description: Base RHEL IdM Server with integrated CA and no integrated DNS rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server components: rpms: bind-dyndb-ldap: rationale: Driver for BIND to store DNS information in LDAP ref: e55b316fa367c8df2dd657f5c4daa0420cc0c818 custodia: rationale: Remote access to secrets and credentials in IdM topology ref: ffe3fe8f2dbc7bf11488ab25e17ac04b2de56a45 buildorder: 2 ipa: rationale: Module API ref: 734e7f05134cb57fa0ed167aa0412042e3e63fe1 ipa-healthcheck: rationale: A tool to detect issues in IdM clusters ref: 8b129a6093d26f80e29e297792a44464c457ba84 buildorder: 3 opendnssec: rationale: An implementation of DNSSEC support for IdM integrated DNS server ref: 9b2d4af15b5e7a6e590d994e38bc9f27d26c3ba7 python-jwcrypto: rationale: JSON Web Cryptographic Tokens used by Custodia ref: 81aaec4eec1a4c3ad08546c882ce5e7bc44442e4 buildorder: 1 python-kdcproxy: rationale: MS-KKDCP (kerberos proxy) WSGI module ref: a644a46fef2e0655e0257b3bbbf522ef4170453e python-qrcode: rationale: QR code generator for IdM two-factor authentication ref: 582fca7ad0680c66af5a0ea32002b985abb6cf3d python-yubico: rationale: Support for Yubikey-based tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: ec9b4fa8ec9ee644c359866178519c79d1ef573e buildorder: 2 pyusb: rationale: Python USB support to access USB tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: 038eac8427157d18e36c054418b4608ba8f37979 buildorder: 1 slapi-nis: rationale: Compatibility plugin to serve legacy clients ref: f2b0dfcfceeae59c5e048c97a86d16acb0d5c013 arches: - aarch64 - ppc64le - s390x - x86_64 softhsm: rationale: Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module ref: 8b11abdcaeee96c09b3553eab5fe0cc1f089cdee