--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: name: satellite-5-client-devel stream: 1.0 version: 8060020220519053836 context: d63f516d arch: ppc64le summary: Red Hat Satellite 5 client packages description: >- Red Hat Satellite 5 client packages provide programs and libraries to allow your system to receive software updates from Red Hat Satellite 5. license: module: - MIT xmd: {} dependencies: - buildrequires: platform: [el8.6.0] requires: platform: [el8] satellite-5-client-devel: [1.0] references: community: https://github.com/spacewalkproject/spacewalk/ documentation: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_satellite/5.8/ tracker: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/ components: rpms: dnf-plugin-spacewalk: rationale: DNF plugin for communication with Red Hat Satellite 5. ref: b6dac81194edb7d85ddd5fa8805a6586c58dfaa1 buildorder: 10 arches: [aarch64, i686, ppc64le, x86_64] rhn-client-tools: rationale: Binaries to allow system to receive software updates from Red Hat Satellite 5. ref: 4907f74195a4b136d3f4aa0b7887087e3024b772 buildorder: 10 arches: [aarch64, i686, ppc64le, x86_64] rhnlib: rationale: Libraries to allow system to receive software updates from Red Hat Satellite 5. ref: 351d0f8860c53931f2ce1865182fcfd3af1339be buildorder: 10 arches: [aarch64, i686, ppc64le, x86_64] rhnsd: rationale: Red Hat Satellite update agent. ref: 2aa99790cc8bade594aa4fb0a67e4003daea61e5 buildorder: 10 arches: [aarch64, i686, ppc64le, x86_64] ...