--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: name: perl-App-cpanminus-devel stream: 1.7044 version: 8030020210507083900 context: 09acf126 arch: i686 summary: Get, unpack, build and install CPAN modules description: > This is a CPAN client that requires zero configuration, and stands alone but it's maintainable and extensible with plug-ins and friendly to shell scripting. license: module: - MIT content: - GPL+ or Artistic xmd: {} dependencies: - buildrequires: perl: [5.26] platform: [el8.3.0] requires: perl: [5.26] perl-App-cpanminus-devel: [1.7044] perl-YAML: [] platform: [el8] references: community: https://metacpan.org/release/App-cpanminus filter: rpms: - perl-Test-Deep buildopts: rpms: macros: > %_without_perl_CPAN_Meta_Check_enables_extra_test 1 components: rpms: perl-App-cpanminus: rationale: The API. ref: f0aa8482fe69981101ec23a8e1f6cf658850060f buildorder: 1 arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo: rationale: Run-time dependency. ref: 4b7fcd77d1e357100540846da7de4461f487a34f arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-CPAN-Meta-Check: rationale: Run-time dependency. ref: db0b7b150205ed2a71846030b66ab3418753ba26 buildorder: 1 arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-File-pushd: rationale: Run-time dependency. ref: fcb9f397472789be3df54b35147fe46b1b3582ae arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-Module-CPANfile: rationale: Run-time dependency. ref: 745edf4a3aa72326186ded2f79b667277899a451 arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-Parse-PMFile: rationale: Run-time dependency. ref: fc5a4cafd1d2e4892f6a4d9f9af2b09a61e4e055 arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-String-ShellQuote: rationale: Run-time dependency. ref: 0023e09240ce053cbb04e664d448bd712ca3a69b arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] perl-Test-Deep: rationale: Build-time dependency. ref: b9ae8885087d6ba916399b1509bb36e0446740e2 arches: [aarch64, i686, x86_64] artifacts: rpms: - perl-Test-Deep-0:1.127-4.module+el8.3.0+46+33b1732b.noarch - perl-Test-Deep-0:1.127-4.module+el8.3.0+46+33b1732b.src ...