document: modulemd version: 2 data: stream: DL1 summary: The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Identity Management system module description: RHEL IdM is an integrated solution to provide centrally managed Identity (users, hosts, services), Authentication (SSO, 2FA), and Authorization (host access control, SELinux user roles, services). The solution provides features for further integration with Linux based clients (SUDO, automount) and integration with Active Directory based infrastructures (Trusts). license: module: - MIT dependencies: - buildrequires: 389-ds: - "1.4" httpd: - "2.4" pki-core: - "10.6" platform: - el8 requires: 389-ds: - "1.4" httpd: - "2.4" pki-core: - "10.6" platform: - el8 references: community: documentation: tracker: profiles: adtrust: description: RHEL IdM Server Integration with Active Directory rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server-trust-ad client: description: RHEL IdM Client rpms: - ipa-client common: description: A default profile for RHEL IdM client rpms: - ipa-client dns: description: RHEL IdM with integrated DNS server and integrated CA rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server - ipa-server-dns server: description: Base RHEL IdM Server with integrated CA and no integrated DNS rpms: - ipa-healthcheck - ipa-healthcheck-core - ipa-server components: rpms: bind-dyndb-ldap: rationale: Driver for BIND to store DNS information in LDAP ref: 294d42f5340335abd235d1cbce2188dc77eeac99 custodia: rationale: Remote access to secrets and credentials in IdM topology ref: abacb6acd3a1051af6aced52d5842a2775c0ead0 buildorder: 2 ipa: rationale: Module API ref: bbee359575a6622f9cdfe40fae46e4444930dc04 ipa-healthcheck: rationale: A tool to detect issues in IdM clusters ref: e95b96564b49069174c4f6166d7f167771a6f5a1 buildorder: 3 opendnssec: rationale: An implementation of DNSSEC support for IdM integrated DNS server ref: 1d5275988f907ad4a1689fd71995453172bfcede python-jwcrypto: rationale: JSON Web Cryptographic Tokens used by Custodia ref: a111f00a8af965e479a60142c2f46209f6aecb2a buildorder: 1 python-kdcproxy: rationale: MS-KKDCP (kerberos proxy) WSGI module ref: d1154157c7c380b60ebb049ce1979750ad4bcf09 python-qrcode: rationale: QR code generator for IdM two-factor authentication ref: efdf3340626aafa2bc086a49e8d1c109b2c43c5a python-yubico: rationale: Support for Yubikey-based tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: 73c8a1ccf33c93d6afcbe7eeb6a3f3a6ae5b4798 buildorder: 2 pyusb: rationale: Python USB support to access USB tokens for IdM two-factor authentication ref: 4ae157dbb040fa37fcd9442431edfeba44fd4fb4 buildorder: 1 slapi-nis: rationale: Compatibility plugin to serve legacy clients ref: c37d7b6882023112e942e46a6b6c259423b2dfb3 arches: - aarch64 - ppc64le - s390x - x86_64 softhsm: rationale: Software version of a PKCS#11 Hardware Security Module ref: dc2b46d32a310eb3555ed6c3980e33e585997c4f