--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: name: mailman-devel stream: "2.1" version: 8090020240128093051 context: 0ef2f6ef arch: x86_64 summary: Electronic mail discussion and e-newsletter lists managing software description: >- An initial version of the mailman mailing list management software license: module: - MIT content: - GPLv2+ xmd: {} dependencies: - buildrequires: platform: [el8.9.0] python27: [2.7] requires: mailman-devel: [2.1] platform: [el8] python27: [2.7] references: documentation: https://launchpad.net/mailman tracker: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman filter: rpms: - python3-dns components: rpms: mailman: rationale: Module API. ref: 72adb03da5b750af31c6effcf6b2600eb84f7bd5 buildorder: 1 arches: [aarch64, i686, ppc64le, x86_64] artifacts: rpms: - mailman-3:2.1.30-1.module+el8.9.0+766+2236fef0.i686 - mailman-debuginfo-3:2.1.30-1.module+el8.9.0+766+2236fef0.i686 - mailman-debugsource-3:2.1.30-1.module+el8.9.0+766+2236fef0.i686 ...